अनन्त जीवन मण्डली




Established on February 9, 2014, in Fort Worth, Texas, the Eternal Life Church stands as a testament to the vision and dedication of an immigrant pastor, Raj Tamang. Founded by individuals who sought to create a spiritual home for the Nepali community. Led by an immigrant pastor who intimately understands the challenges and aspirations of the Nepali diaspora, the church has become a welcoming sanctuary for those seeking a place to worship and connect with their cultural roots. The pastor's journey as an immigrant adds a personal touch to the church's mission, fostering a sense of understanding and empathy within the congregation. Since its inception, the Eternal Life Church has grown into a vibrant community of believers who gather to worship, share their experiences, and support one another.The church's story is not just one of religious growth but also a celebration of cultural diversity and the enduring spirit of immigrants seeking to establish roots in a new land.


The church's services blend Nepali traditions with Christian worship, creating a unique and inclusive atmosphere where everyone can feel at home.


As our Church continues to thrive, it remains a beacon of hope and unity for the Nepali community, while preserving the essence of our heritage.

we are one family in Christ

I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand.
John 10:28

come join us
Every Sunday 10:00 am - 12:00 pm